
Jonathan R. Felts, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M University
3123 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3123
Phone: 979-458-3580
Office: MEOB 311
Jonathan R. Felts earned a BS degree in mechanical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2008. He received his MS from Illinois in 2009, and was awarded his PhD under the advisement of MechSE professor William P. King for work on tip-based nanomanufacturing and nanometrology of chemical nanostructures. He was the recipient of the Eugene and Lina Abraham Endowed PhD Fellowship and the Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship during his PhD studies, and he was awarded a National Academy of Science National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Naval Research Laboratory for 2013-2014. He joined the faculty at Texas A&M in 2014. Felts is the recipient of a 2019 NSF CAREER award, is a member of Pi Tau Sigma and Tau Beta Pi honor societies, and he has authored or co-authored 27 peer-reviewed journal articles and two patents. His current research interests lie at the intersection of chemistry, mechanics, and physics to alter transport and reactivity.